Soccer News of Thursday, 24 November 2016


Dreams FC want review of Tema Youth case dismissed

Dreams FC Executive Chairman Kurt E.S Okraku Dreams FC Executive Chairman Kurt E.S Okraku

Dreams FC have raised a preliminary objection to the Statement of Case of Tema Youth for a review and have called for the case to be dismissed by the Review Panel of the Appeals Committee of the Ghana Football Association, can confirm.

A document chanced upon by your most-trusted football website,, from the office of Dreams FC and addressed to the Review Panel of the Appeals Committee of the Ghana FA through the General Secretary says Tema Youth failed to do due diligence to the Statement of Case for the review and have insisted the case be dismissed immediately.

"Respectfully, Dreams FC having been served with the Statement of Case of Tema Youth FC for a review as directed by the GFA, hereby file this preliminary objection to the Statement of Case for a review and for the Review Panel of the Appeals Committee to strike out the Review," the document read.

Stating their grounds for the Review of Tena Youth to be dismissed, Dreams FC provided four strong grounds and arguments to support their application for the Review Panel to strike out the review by Tema Youth.

Dreams FC insist that Tema Youth failed to file their Statement of Case on the prescribed form which the GFA has regulated for every club to use for the case in question, thereby calling on the Review Panel to quash the matter presented by Tema Youth.

"It is our case that the purported Statement of Case of Tema Youth FC was not filed in accordance with the regulations of the GFA laid down for review and the Statement of Case violates the regulation of the GFA for Review," the document noted.

"It is our considered position that this violation of the GFA General Regulations is grave and fatal to the Review and for this reason we respectfully urge the Review Panel of the Appeals Committee to strike out the Review," it added.

Dreams FC also state that Tema Youth failed to pay the appropriate fee for the review as stated by the General Regulations of the GFA.

"It is our case under this Ground 2 that Article 37(13)(b) of the GFA General Regulations was not adhered to by Tema Youth FC in filing their Statement of Case for the Review."

Dreams FC in their call for the Review Panel of the Appeals Committee to dismiss and strike out the Statement of Case by Tema Youth also argue that Tema Youth referred the case to Court of Arbitration for Sports at FIFA with the GFA as the party in question in the case and that Dreams FC are innocent to be dragged into the arbitration.

"It is our case under this preliminary ground that in law, two parties cannot and must not be allowed to enforce an Arbitration Award against an innocent third party which is not privy to the proceedings and the award ofarbitration between twork other parties legally unrelated to them," Dream FC noted.

Dreams FC finally, in their preliminary ground for the case to be dismissed argue that the burden of prove in relation to the players Tema Youth protested against is on Tema Youth and not on the GFA.

"It is very clear and significant, according to Article 34(13)(a) First Amendment of the GFA General Regulations, that there is no burden on any judicial body of the GFA, but rather either on the protesting club or the GFA Prosecutor, either of whom must prove their case to merit any decision in their favour," the document is quoted.

Dreams FC therefore wants the Review Panel of the Appeals Committee to strike out the Case of Tema Youth per the arguments and grounds they have raised.

The Review Panel of the Appeals Committee is set to sit on the matter again on Thursday and all that Dreams FC is praying for is to get the Review of Tema Youth strike out.